No matter where you live in the world, winter always requires some thought and pre-planning.  Every winter is different, even if it is more or less the same weather. Knowing the health benefits of being outside, we have become better at passing the time with activities and adventures, surrounded by nature. However it is cold in the winter months and the need to be warm can make or break your holiday. 

Before you start planning for your winter ski holiday, here are a few items you need to think about having to make your trip warm, cozy and enjoyable.  You can't just rely on a beautifully lit fire when you are having your afternoon tea!  Some may sound obvious but we bet they are forgotten from time to time:

A Hat

Photo by Craig Dennis

The head, neck and ears are the parts that get cold easily due to being exposed. Keeping these parts protected from the cold and windy winters is one of the easiest ways to keep a moderate body temperature. No more frozen, red ears that feel like they’ll fall off. An ice cap or beanie tends to stick to the ears, add a sense of coolness to your overall look and reduce the freezing-to-death feels.

Thick Coat

Photo by Daniel Bowman

One of the most difficult decisions to make for the winter is buying a coat... there are so many options and so many requirements. No matter how cold it is, a warm winter coat can keep your body temperature stabilised due to its undeniable features. A windproof, fleece, waterproof jacket all wrapped up into one is the ultimate winter item. It's a must have to get you through the cold, snowy months in one piece. Because of how essential they’ve become, they now come in many styles, colours and designs that guarantee an elegance, chicness or sporty look depending on the style you’re going for.

Touch Screen Gloves

Photo by Anastasia Zhenina 

If you don't want your fingers to fall off, touchscreen gloves are a must. Especially if you will be going outdoors and using your phone for orientation. Having to take your gloves off every time you need to answer a call, write a text message, go online to entertain yourself with games and find casino online with bonus codes, or turn on maps will make your gloves completely useless. Not only that, if your fingers are exposed to extreme cold, it can lead to frost bites so to make sure you always have your gloves on, touch screen gloves should definitely be on your list!

Colourful Wool Scarf

Photo by Benjamin Lehman

With winter clothes making everyone look like a covered snowman from the amount of layers covering up the body, adding a touch of style and colour to your outfit is definitely needed. Wrapping a warm wool scarf around your neck adds an extra layer of warmth and comfort, as well as highlights your personality in the choice of colour, pattern or style of the scarf, transforming your outfit from boring to awesome in just a simple step.

Thermal Leggings

Photo by Charlotte Karlsen

Layering up is part of staying alive in the winter and not freezing to death. It’s definitely not enough to wear a pair of jeans or trousers, something glued to the skin is vital. That’s where a pair of thermal leggings come in. They’re thin enough to be worn under your jeans, but thick enough to add the heat your body needs. Believe me, they’re so essential, you won’t dare to take them off, even when putting your pyjamas on!

Thermal Socks

Photo by Pexels

One of the body parts most sensitive to the cold are the toes. Even if you’re wearing three socks, if they’re not thermal or wool socks, your toes will be glued together and feel like an ice cube. In some cases, they can even go blue, swell and get frost bites when wearing the wrong pair of socks. Keep your feet warm at all times, because if your feet are cold, you’ll feel the chill in your bones.

Rain Coat

Photo by Corey Agopian

Sometimes, the weather isn’t as cold as expected, but can be really moody. That’s why it’s always great to have a light raincoat with you that is so thin and takes up zero space. This can be stuffed in your backpack or wrapped around your waist to be taken out and worn only when it rains. This thin layer provides waterproof protection and a hooded shelter for your head to prevent you from having to carry an umbrella in case it rains.


Photo by Andrew Neel

When it rains, there’s nothing like a pair of waterproof boots to enable you to walk around with ease, not having to worry about puddles or slippery slopes. Boots give you the comfort and ease while protecting your feet from the rain as well as being a super cool accessory to add to your overall style. However, if you opt for Wellington boots, be sure to combine them with thermal socks or leg warmers as they tend to preserve the cold inside the rubber insoles, making your feet feel ice cold without the right socks.

Bring It On, Winter!

It’s no fun travelling in the winter if you don’t have the right wardrobe. So, before you start commenting about the weather, add these items to your list and be prepared to have a great time strolling the streets, no matter how cold it is. There’s no reason to miss all the festivities and fun that comes with travelling in the winter, anymore. 

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We all love Vaujany, and we want you to love it too.
Chalet Dibona, Vaujany

We offer Vaujany chalets which are of the highest standard. All of our chalets ooze character yet feel like home away from home. Our staff will take care of you from the moment they meet you.

Your adventure starts here
Our accommodation
Chalet Saskia
Chalet Saskia
A delightful spacious chalet for groups up to 25 people
MAISON Rostaing
MAISON Rostaing
As big as it gets, with a large garden
Chalet Rostaing
Chalet Rostaing
Spacious with thoughtful decor
Chalet Lucette
Chalet Lucette
Bright, warm and perfect
Chalet Dibona
Chalet Dibona
The cosiest place to stay
Spread out in comfort
Hotel V de Vaujany
Hotel V de Vaujany
The transformed Hotel Rissiou
Chalet SIKA
Chalet SIKA
A modern beautiful spacious chalet for groups up to 14 people

We offer Vaujany chalets which are of the highest standard. All of our chalets ooze character yet feel like home away from home. Our staff will take care of you from the moment they meet you.

Extra Services

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